Updated again on September 21st, 2021, creating an excel version of the worksheet with instructions, making it easier to read and to use. Now you have no excuse. 😀
Do Column #1 first. Brain dump of names, institutions and principles that are on your mind. Just put the names down. Do the columns first. Then when you have run out of steam on Column #1, and there are fewer and fewer names, turn to Column #2. And in Column #2 it is just the facts. Not your feelings. Just the facts. And you may find that more names for Column #1 are occurring. Put them down. And some names may have blanks, blanks where you say, “I cannot think of why this name is here.” Just move on. Then turn to Column #3. Use your own words. Don’t limit your words to phrases that you have read. Be honest. Last, Column #4 and #5. Again, use your own words and keep an open mind. I have included phrases like “they did not respect me enough.” In Column #5 tease out the words that describe the defects.
Inventory form with instructions
Inventory Form (Excel)
Inventory form with full instructions and examples (Excel)
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Hello, thank you for your commitment to this program. You are truly a living example of how you can apply this program into a beautiful life.
Thanks for these kind words. And it is a beautiful life indeed. Getting better all the time.
Dear Andy,
How are you? I am well…Please forgive my verbosity; I am not a writer..
This inventory list is very good indeed. However, I do not find the prayer which The Big Books suggests we do after each person. Or is it after each line? There is another prayer, the one p. 452, I think, about wishing the person everything we would wish for ourselves. Just observations. If I appear to be critical, please forgive me.
Denis Lachaine
Interesting comment. There are several prayers that are suggested by Bill, and Emmet Fox. Also Shoemaker. When I do inventories I am sure mindful of God, and prayerful. But the focus is the identification of defects which then moves into Steps 6 and 7. The prayers for the people involved really come into play, for me, in Step 8. That is the Step where I actively and prayerfully forgive the person, a necessary pre-condition to Step 9 amends, for me. In particular, I would refer you to the prayer outlined by Emmet Fox in the Appendix to Sermon on the Mount dealing with the Lord’s Prayer, and the section on forgiveness. That has always spoken to me.
Hi Andy,
Thank you for your kind reply. It will be helpful.
Best regards,
Denis Lachaine
Thunder Bay, ON