I heard this at a meeting recently:
Ethyl, my old friend.
Ethyl Alcohol was a great old girl. She made me feel good and gave me some great memories. Then she turned ugly and I could not control her. She beat me into submission and stole everything that I had. She and her cousin John Barleycorn did a tag team that brought me to my knees.
This anthropomorphization of booze is one that I can relate to.
Ethyl and John came into my life, and I had to kick them out to save myself. But in the end, I have to express gratitude for them and what they did.
It was not their fault, it was my allergic reaction that was the problem. Millions of others greet John and Ethyl daily, without any problems. But when they visited me, nothing but problems developed.
And it was not my fault either. I was just wired that way. It was a chemical reaction, not a moral problem. Whenever Ethyl or John come into my life I react badly, we just don’t mix well. History has shown that.
But the whole process was helpful. Because of the failed relationship with Ethyl and John, I am on a spiritual path to new friends and companions. I no longer want or need the company of Ethyl and John, in fact, I flee from them. Nothing against them, but they just don’t work for me.
And my new spiritual friends are great. Much better company as it turns out. And like Ethyl and John, they have changed my attitudes and perceptions.