Beyond the Cosmic Bellhop: Embracing Genuine Connection with God

god pulling red luggage in luxury hotel dressed as a bellhop

Often, I pray for help, and, in the same prayer, suggest the preferred solution. 

Emmet Fox describes this as “Outlining,” and that is the right word.  I outline the solution to the problem in my prayer. 

My sponsor describes this as “Treating God like a cosmic bellhop. Telling Him to fetch this and get that.” 

What my sponsor lacks in sympathy, he more than compensates with clarity and accuracy.  I was treating God like a cosmic bellhop.

And I cover this up with mischievous ideas like, “Please give this troublesome person the right attitude,” or “Please give me this (money, job, girl, etc.); it will only be used to fulfill your will.”

This honest examination of my prayers revealed an extraordinary level of self-possessed egotism. I am telling God what to do. Wow!

But that was only part of the problem.

The other part of the problem is that I often fail to see God’s solution. Although he answers my prayer, I miss it because I was looking for something else—my solution.

You will be surprised to learn that God’s solution is often much better than mine. Therefore, I should stop outlining solutions to the problems I present to God. He is not a cosmic bellhop.

Go figure.

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