Building Blocks of Change

The topic of the meeting was “the ripple effect, how our drinking spreads bad ripples all around us, and how our new life in recovery was radiating good ripples.”

Several shares focused on our lack of awareness; we were unaware of the destructive waves rippling from us when we were drinking and unaware of the good waves created when we maintained our spiritual life.

A newcomer shared, “When I arrived at AA a few months ago, I thought my family had escaped the worst of my drinking.  Boy, was I wrong.

“I have been drinking alcoholically for years and only been sober for six months. I have a three-year-old daughter. So I have been drinking for her entire life.  I never thought that she was aware of my drinking or that it had any effect on her.

“The other night, we played with building blocks on the floor together.  It was not a particularly mindful activity.  But it was a crucial moment because, in that moment, I saw what damage I had done over the years and what a difference my sobriety was making.”

He teared up, and we heard a slight catch in his throat, “While we were playing, she reached out and touched my mouth and, with a happy face, said, “Smiling.”

“It was as if she had never seen me smile. And I realized that was probably right.  I was usually drunk or getting ready to get drunk.  And I sure as hell did not spend any time playing with building blocks.  I was usually storming around the house, upset and angry.

“At that moment, I saw the ripples.  The old drinking ripples and the new sober ripples.

“That is when I realized how much my family had been affected by my grumpy, drunken attitude and what a difference it made to be in the Program and working the Steps. 

“Her happy face and touch, that unprompted moment of joy, said it all.

“I love the program; I love working on waking up spiritually; I love being sober.”

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