Lift Your Foot Off the Hose

“Are you standing on your garden hose?”

An experienced AA shared this question.  It is a question he asks whenever a sponsee calls with a difficulty.  It is, he suggested, a universal solution for every sponsee and all problems.

“Are you standing on your garden hose?”

It is a wonderfully apt analogy. 

Imagine me standing on the front lawn holding a garden hose.  The pressure is on, but only a dribble is coming out.  I need a free flow of water.  Searching for the solution, I suddenly realize I am standing on the hose.  I move my foot, and the water flows.

Imagine me calling my sponsor with a problem.  I know that God is always there, and the pressure is always on, but there is only a spiritual dribble coming out.  I need an awakening.  Searching for the solution with my sponsor, I realize my ego is standing on the hose, impeding the delivery of the spiritual solution.

Like water in a garden hose, the spiritual solution is waiting to be released.  And I am unaware of my blocking the flow with selfish and self-centred attitudes. 

The analogy continues.  Standing in the garden, staring at the dribble of water from the hose, I am unaware of my role in creating the impediment.  Asking this question focuses my attention on the solution, lifting my foot. 

Talking with my sponsor about the dribble of spirituality I am feeling, I am unaware of my role in creating the impediment.  Asking this question focuses my attention on the solution, lifting my ego and letting the power flow.

I will incorporate this question into all my problems by asking myself this question, and any sponsees who call with issues.

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