Our AA Symbol — Part 1

Our AA symbol, a triangle bounded by a circle, has a rich and deep history.

At a recent meeting, we talked about the AA symbol and its meaning.  For AAs, the sides of the triangle are aspects of our recovery: Service, Unity, and Recovery, and the circle is AA as a whole.

An AA sister shared another interpretation of the symbol, a more personal and self-centred understanding.

She said, “great comments about the symbol, it means all of those things, but that is only the good interpretation.   There is also a bad interpretation of the symbol. 

“In the bad meaning, the three sides of the triangle are Perfection, Dependence, and Expectations, and the circle is all about me and my feelings.  I can look at the symbol and my life either way.

“When I am absorbed in myself, the symbol carries the bad meaning, and my life goes badly as well.  When the circle of life is all about me, then everything must be perfect. I am dependent on what the world is doing, and my expectations are inappropriate. 

“By going to meetings and keeping in touch with my AA brothers and sisters, the circle becomes AA.  The meaning of my life changes.  I become interested in serving my fellows. I feel a sense of kinship and unity with other AAs, and my recovery is back on track.

“So make sure you keep your understanding of the circle and the triangle on the good side, make sure you keep in touch with the Program.”

With advance apologies—that “squares” with my experience.

Our AA Symbol

Our AA Symbol — Part 1

Our AA Symbol — Part 1

Our AA symbol, a triangle bounded by a circle, has a rich and deep history. At a recent meeting, we …
Our AA Symbol—Part Two

Our AA Symbol—Part Two

In my last blog post, I quoted an AA sister who provided two interpretations of our AA symbol, the triangle …

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