
The Promise of Spiritual Awakening
Discover the true meaning of spiritual awakening and how it can transform your life. Dive into this insightful blog post ...

Achieving Sanity
Many factors affect my sanity. Maintaining a level of sanity is complicated and difficult. Or so I thought ...

A Child’s Game
Jenga is a child’s game of blocks and towers; alcoholics play an adult version of Jenga. The child’s game consists ...

Drinking for Effect
a soldier shares his story of drinking for effect - just as he used artillery to obliterate the target, so ...

My Disease is Doing Pushups
It is often said, “I might be sitting in the rooms of AA, but my disease is in the hallway ...

Inadequate Clothing
My wife and I recently holidayed in Scotland. If you are visiting Scotland, you are interested in history or have ...

Making Amends Pays a Karmic Debt
The question over coffee with a group of AAs was: Why are amends so important in the AA Program? ...

One habit at a time
One fellow shared, “I have studied my defects for a long time and came to see that defects are habits—powerful ...

Spousal Advice
An AA sister shared, “We go to sponsors for advice in AA, and only AA advice.” Wise sponsors restrict their ...

Spiritual Parapraxis
Parapraxis, or a Freudian slip, is a speech mistake. A mistake in the words we use, a mistake that might ...

My Ego is a Bad General
When I am not paying attention, my ego is in command. I am often not paying attention, so my ego ...

Stay on the Program Bus
“Stay on the bus, the scenery will change. Get off, and you are there forever.” --Heard at a recent meeting ...

Why Desperation Can Lead You Back to Faith
Uncover the reasons behind anger towards God in recovery. Learn how hitting rock bottom can open hearts to a Higher ...