Unlocking Divine Guidance: Why Asking Matters

praying for assistance

God is not responsible for my spiritual condition.

God will provide the power that I ask for.  He will provide the guidance I ask for.  He will care for me and protect me.  But I must make the first, and subsequent moves.

I practice Two-Way Prayer, or Oxford Guidance, as taught by Father Bill W. (https://www.twowayprayer.org/)%20). The other day, I asked for “Guidance and help through the day.” 

As required in the practice of Two-Way Prayer, I paused to allow an intuitive thought to emerge, which I hope comes from God. 

Then I wrote this sentence: “I can work with you, but you must work with me.”

That might have been a message from God, or it might have been a thought rising from my unconscious mind. Regardless, I have experienced this Truth: God will work with me if I work with Him, but until I ask for help, He will stand by, wait and watch.

God will do for me what I cannot do for myself, but I have a role to play.  I have to ask for help. 

He seems to have an exaggerated sense of politeness.  Regardless, I am responsible for my spiritual growth; he does not assume that burden.

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