AA is not a spectator sport

A great share at a meeting – “Drinking is not a spectator sport, and neither is AA.” 

I cannot enjoy another person’s drinking, neither can I grow spiritually with someone else’s Program.  I have to do it myself and do my own work.  I cannot be a spectator and expect to grow.

My tennis game is not improved by watching matches.  It is only improved with practice and work.  I cannot delegate this, I have to do it myself.

My first sponsor also taught me that I should be as committed to my sobriety and Program as I ever was to my drinking.  So, I would drink anytime and anywhere and commit all my health, wealth and mental energy to drinking.  Can I do less with my Program?

So, neither Alcoholism nor Alcoholics Anonymous is a spectator sport.  If you are just going to meetings, arriving a bit late and dashing off at the end of the Serenity prayer, if you are on the sidelines cheering or just watching; get off the bench and get into the game. 

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