Desire versus willingness

The only requirement for attendance at an AA meeting is a desire to stop drinking, but the requirement for Membership is a willingness to change myself.

This share ‘rang my bell.’ 

The only requirement for attendance at an AA meeting is a desire; I only needed a desire to stop drinking. 

But the requirement for Membership is a willingness to change myself.

When I first came to the Rooms, I did not expect to have to change myself.  I might have to change my friends, my entertainment habits and other small elements of my lifestyle.  I remember explaining to my first sponsor who listened with the patience of Job, that the main feature of AA in recovery was the introduction of the alcoholic to a new social support network.  A secondary feature was to create new habits or behaviours to defend against the first drink.  These two points explained AA to anyone.

I believed that by creating a new and sober social network and developing new habits in social situations, I would become sober.   I did not need to change.

Later I realized that I had to achieve a psychic change.  I had to become different.

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