I am not interested in sky diving. But a fellow I know in the Program is; and he taught me a lesson he learned from his parachute instructor.
Skydivers pay attention to what they are looking at as they drift down under their parachutes. Their expression is, “Look to where you want to land; because you are going to land where you are looking.”
Another similar story. An oil and gas company had a well operation in the far north. On this remote site, everything had to be flown in during the summer or shipped in over an ice road during the winter. There was nothing on the well site but drilling equipment, accommodation trailers and a couple of trucks. One truck ran into the other. The driver was looking at the other truck, he thought he was going to avoid it, but you drive where you are looking.
In driving, parachuting and life, we go where we look.
What we focus on and pay attention to is where we end up. If we are looking to God, we will draw closer to Him. If we are looking for sex, we will find it. If we are looking at wealth, we will get it. It is inexorable.
So take care to look at your spiritual life and your character values. And look away from the other temptations of life because you are going to go where you are looking.
Pay attention to what you are looking at, for that is where you will go, and that is what you will get.
If you are not happy with where you are and what you have, understand that where you are and what you have is what you have been looking at.