The Unexpected Gift of Bad Gratitude

Gratitude is amazing; the results are good even when the source is bad. Here is a personal example of what I mean.

On my way to my AA meeting, I stopped for a coffee. The customer ahead of me ordered three complicated cappuccinos and two flavoured lattes. It would take all of the baristas behind the counter to fill the order. I was going to be late. He was making me late.

Finally, I got my coffee and walked to my car.

The car next to mine had been badly parked and invaded my parking space. I had to twist and squeeze into my car. Another guilty party was making me later still.

Traffic was terrible; I watched the cars racing by, and I began to hate them all.

At the meeting, the setup guy was late. He was still setting up the chairs when I arrived. He joined everyone else who was within my zone of judgment.

My irritation level was off the charts. I wanted to banish guys with complicated coffee orders, punish close parkers, eliminate all traffic, and manage the meeting setup.

Before the meeting started, a newcomer, his second week in, came up and asked me to sponsor him. He told me he had heard my share last week and thought I had the quality of sobriety that he wanted. He had checked around and had been told that I was a great sponsor.

I basked in the warmth of the praise. Unconsciously, I reflected on the sound judgement of this newcomer.

But I also began to feel grateful; grateful for my life and the ability to help someone. Like yeast in bread, gratitude lightened my whole being. I began to feel better about the world.

It was a great meeting.

Later that night, I reviewed my day.

I remembered how my self-centered irritations had infected my whole being. Then I remembered the newcomer and the ego swelling and pride from his comments. Pride that magically morphed into gratitude, gratitude which expanded and changed my whole day.

I realized, even bad gratitude, ego swelling, self-centered and prideful gratitude, dissolves negative attitudes and feelings.

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6 thoughts on “The Unexpected Gift of Bad Gratitude”

  1. Another good one

    I remember a saying you used with me once that has stuck with me ever since

    Foster an Attitude of Gratitude

    Grateful for your friendship

  2. Thanks Andy ..
    It was great meeting you yesterday. I feel that we have the power to see the silver lining in every irritation or disappointment. And at the end of every day, find things to be grateful for.

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