“If God is my friend, what does it say if all I do is give him a quick hello in the morning and a passing ‘good night’ as I go to sleep? If He is a really good friend, I will talk with Him during the day. I will check in during the day and ask for his thoughts and opinions. I will share my mental maps with him.”
Jason at the Akron Group in Victoria
Wow, what a great truth. If God is my friend, my really good friend and I want to learn from Him and pay attention to what He is saying, I’d better be spending a lot of time on that relationship.
I am a lawyer. I have clients. If I only said good morning and good night to clients, they would not be my clients for long. I have a wife. If I only said good morning and goodnight to her, we would not be married long. I have friends. If I only contacted them periodically and only greeted them and said goodbye every once in a while, I would not have them long.
Relationships require time and energy, more than a passing wave and a cheery “hello – goodbye.”
Now hellos and goodbyes are important. They are the social grease that keeps things running smoothly. But if that is all that is going on, watch out. It is not going to a good place.
So, I must remember to say, ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ to God. But it will be a whole lot better if I also ask: ‘What do you think?’ ‘How am I doing?’ ‘Are you pleased with what I am doing?’ or generally at least appear to have some interest in what your Higher Power and alleged friend might think.
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