Forgiveness and Step 8

In Step 8 of our Program, we must become willing to make amends to people we have harmed.  

First, we must become willing to make the amend.

Sometimes it is easy to become willing. The other side might not have harmed us; the blame was ours, or the issue is trivial. In these situations, forgiveness is a lubricant allowing us to become willing.

But sometimes, it is hard. We might have harmed someone, but they hurt us first and most. In these demanding situations, forgiveness is more than a lubricant to achieve willingness; it is a necessary precondition.

I remember one difficult amend. With no reason or provocation, I had been harmed. I felt betrayed and hurt.

 Angry, I said terrible things about the fellow; I gossiped.

I was already suffering an emotional hangover from the anger. Now I felt terrible about the gossip.

My sponsor said, “You have to amend the situation. And saying I’m sorry to the person will not be enough. This guy doesn’t even know you gossiped about him. You must return to the people who received your gossip and make it right with them.”

Wow, that was going to hurt. I would not look good. I said I was not willing.

I thought I would get a lecture on “going to any length.” Instead, my sponsor said, “To find the willingness, first forgive the harm he did to you; I suggest you follow the Emmet Fox forgiveness app instructions.”

I was not expecting that, but I tried it, and it worked.

I applied the Emmet Fox forgiveness app, saying, “I forgive him.”

I was still smarting from the hurt, so I didn’t believe my own words. But at least I said them, which opened the door of willingness. I became willing to make the amend.

That was only the first surprise. There was a second, larger, surprise: I was going to justify my gossip with a description of the harm I suffered. But when it came to having these tough conversations, I dropped this justification and stuck to my mistake, the gossip.

The amend was better.

I had done my part, and my heart was eased.

Since then, I have, time and again, experienced the practical and powerful impact of forgiving.

It is a lubricant, allowing me to become willing to make relationships right, and the quality of the amends improves.

It works; it really does.

Forgiveness Series

Forgiveness: A Spiritual Virtue and Practical Tool

Forgiveness: A Spiritual Virtue and Practical Tool

Discover the power of forgiveness with the Emmet Fox Forgiveness App. Use this simple and effective formula to let go …
Forgiveness and Step 8

Forgiveness and Step 8

Explore the surprising benefits of forgiveness in making amends. Find out how forgiving those who have harmed you is a …
Have Forgiveness at Your Fingertips

Have Forgiveness at Your Fingertips

Forgiveness just got easier with the new Forgiveness App. The Emmet Fox formula is now at your fingertips. Simply download …
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Forgiving and Amplification

Find out how feedback, noise, and distortion can impact your amends process. Explore how forgiving can clear the way for …
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Forgiveness is Layered

Forgiveness is more than just acceptance or explanation. Explore the three layers of forgiveness and learn how to reach the …
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