Reminders and alarms

The Muslims have a great habit of prayer reminders. Five times a day they are called to prayer by an outside source.

I need the same reminder system to re-focus my thoughts upon God. I forget Him easily. A lesson that the ancient Muslim leaders apparently recognized.

I have a technology fix that creates the same opportunity. Five times a day I have an alarm on my phone that alerts me to think about God. It just takes a moment, as brief as a thought, to orient myself to my Higher Power. And I can do it any time and any place.

My iPhone has an alarm function that allows me to program a daily alarm. I have five of these set. So, five times a day my phone wakes up and sends me a message.

I made the alarm silent so that it does not interrupt meetings or calls. And if I miss it then when I next turn on my iPhone to make a call to check something, it is right there on top as a reminder. And each alarm has a message in the ‘label’ section of the alarm program. The label is designed to remind me of what the alarm is about. I have five reminder labels that connect me to God and orient my mind, even briefly, to Him.

I change the reminders from time to time, as the mood or thought strikes.

Currently, they are:
1. God is Here and Now.
2. God loves you.
3. God will guide you.
4. God is in this.
5. Love God.

Remember, sometimes others see your screen. Which may lead to some interesting questions. I remember one Board meeting and the message “God is Here and Now” popped up. There were no alarms, but the fellow next to me noticed the label and remarked in a whisper, “thank goodness that God is here, because we need all the help we can get.”

Thank goodness the label was not inappropriate.

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